Lets be honest. I am a very patient person and Netflix has morphed me into something else. Now, I go through shows a series at a time and then get withdrawals waiting for my DVR to catch the next episode. Thanks to Netflix, I'm now hooked on these shows and impatiently waiting for a new episode: Revenge, Scandel, Mad Men, Walking Dead, The Killing, House of Cards, & Orange is the New Black. All GREAT shows. If you're not on the bandwagon, I highly recommend them.
You could say that I'm definitely trying to fill the void of Pinkman and Heisenberg.
It's strange, if I started to watch a series on my own, I don't get this way. It's only the shows Netflix has allowed me to go through. I don't have this kind of impatience on shows like The Americans and American Horror Story.
If you haven't heard, Netflix updated its contract agreements on its movie library. Luckily, Dexter is a win with this update and we can all enjoy the remaining seasons till the end. Better be good! No one spoil it for me!
Thank you, Netflix, for making me a TV addict and deteriorating my patience level. :)

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