In the jingle jangle morning, I'll come followin' you.
Bob Dylan got it right.
In my opinion, so did Louis Vuitton. I've never been mezmorised like others on the monogramed canvas designs, but this morning I had found myself in love with this bag called Tambourine and placed it in my cart. Both Ruelala and Hautelook had vintage Louis Vuitton events this morning and I couldn't help but just explore their reserves. I found this beaut on Ruelala and placed it in my cart. I gave myself a solid minute to think it over, as I've never had a LV bag or anything LV before. Do I want to be one of those girls? Wait, I'm not a girl; I'm an independent adult who has a career. I can choose to buy this for myself. Literally, a solid minute later, I went to finalize the purchase and BAM...sold out. Damn you, Ruelala. Damn you! Now, I'm going to stalk your site till it returns.
...til then.

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