Working at Papyrus was a game changer for me and made me appreciate cards more so than ever. Penpal letters instantly became upscale. I found any reason to send out cards while I worked there. Paychecks made their way back to the store. My Christmas distribution list kept USPS busy. Over a decade since my Papyrus days, I still try to send as many cards or packages as possible. As we get older, these cards become the little things that truly make our days. At our age, these special cards also come in the form of invites and thank you notes for weddings and babies.
Today I received a cute hot pink envelope in the mail and got super excited! A special note just because with a cute photo that has now made its way to my fridge. It stopped me in my tracks and brought a cute tear to my eye. As Julie Andrews or Sister Maria would say, these are a few of my favorite things: snail mail, friends, Gauchos, reunions, Disneyland. Ahhh, I just love it! Totally made my day.
Danny totally gets it and he's just 5 years old. All he wants are birthday cards.
Danny Nickerson
P.O. Box 212
Foxborough, MA 02035

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