Friday, April 4, 2014

Because I'm Happy

Spring has sprung and that means two things: love is in the air and allergy season, in which I'm actively participating in both. Well, the latter almost ruined me this past week, as I've been off work sick with severe tonsillitis. Trust me, it has been the absolute worst.

You may be wondering what happened to this girl. I've been meaning to update everyone and have attempted to daily but one thing has been getting in my way... happiness. As cheesy as it may sound, I can honestly say that I'm genuinely in a very happy place right now. Many reasons, big and small, have impacted my mood greatly.

These are some of my highlights from the last few weeks:
  • My beautiful friend, Nicole, came to visit for a weekend of fun! I'll have a special updated posted dedicated soon to show our recap.
  • Met a guy that was worthy of a second date and more.
  • Reached 20% of my Route 66 goal. Unfortunately, I'm behind on my YTD goal but I'm going to try to get back on track soon.
  • Eager Beaver Outside Lands tickets have been purchased! Lineup to be announced on Tuesday and I'm stoked! I love solid traditions!
  • Received a Jawbone UP with my points at work (free) and also won a (free) FitBit Flex in the same week! 
  • Convinced a coworker to become a night time walking buddy. Raccoons, I'm sorry but you're dismissed.
  • Attended a super fabulous Babes who Brunch party, hosted by the beautiful La Petite Gigi. We had delicious dishes and made awesome flower crowns.
    the beautiful babes who brunch

  • If Florida wins the NCAA, I win my work bracket!
  • A marketing associate at work, who is on maternity leave, surprised me with a very sweet note and personal handmade gift that she had shipped to the office to thank me for the diaper carriage I made for her.
  • Received a childhood friend's wedding thank you card with the most sentimental note that had me in tears. I love personalization and long lasting friendships!
  • Talked to my grandma in Turkey and could hear the over joyous excitement in her voice. 
  • Was requested by my relatives that I never see (or may have never seen) to come visit Germany in September for a cousin's wedding. Not only does that make me feel loved but my boss agreed that I could take 3 whole weeks off!! Talk about potential European trip!!!
  • Received an incredibly surprising visit from my friend, Bethany, at my desk! Oh, how I miss the days we sat 20 ft from each other and had late night Bieber jam sessions as we worked through the night. 
    Flashback Friday to 2011 in SF
  • Had my late night curb side chit chat reinstated in person with my dear friend Nestor, who was in town from Texas for the weekend.
  • Helped a childhood friend with referrals who then got my coworker a great deal on a new Benz. The kid is on cloud 9. Boys and their cars...
  • Oh, and it's daffodil season!! 
As you can see, I've been bundled up with great little bits of awesomeness making me happy. Lately, every time I think of the word "happy" I just think of Pharrell, probably because I hear this song everywhere and too often. 

It's a modern day "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands." Well, I'm clapping, figuratively that is.

How do you like my flower crown?

What makes you happy these days?

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